this gives impulse to share some insights ...
1. March 1 is to be interpreted as NewYearsDay in Gregorian Setup and it is also linguistical connected to NY ~ New York
2. so 27 september identifies 20 and 7 ; where 20 is known as the 4x5 and 5x4 densed figure which gives impulse on division (a divided world)
3. 7 is the sum of human bodily governed centres as chakra's
4. ...
But then we are shifting on ages (recovering from karmic pains) ...
And the kweek (this blogs reason for existence) gives other impulses greatly prepared by Valum Votan , a Pakal Votan Messenger & Kali Catalyst, who cooperates with a Bolon Ik Portal as his former wife Lloydine and last years with Stephanie South. The preparation simple landed in me, s'ace, in 2003 guided by Jerôme. By then a simple * - asterisk was the mark noticed that brought me this far ... at this edge of the Shift, simply by taking the premise for Bolon Ik's return on - On StaGe.
Here in this context of the daynumbers i note this day in kweek-markup as (8) and at a deeper, more elemental level, is equates (9).
In the latter the vertical bond between daya 2, 5 & 8 is communicated as a true wire for maintaining memory lines. So this day 2 - SUNdaya - is guided by 8 - URdaya - as departure and by 5 - NESSdaya - as arrival: So in the current daya - SUNdaya - we are in a continuous flight. And then ... each kweek we exercise a variation by having common focus on the LOVE - LIFE - VOID kweektypes for the sequential first - second and third kweek in 1 moon serial.
the continuous factor is given by the (8) :
the vertical alignment is given by the (9) :
(details on that here)
~~~ crux?
well let me spell here the fusion of the numbers 20 - 7 - 9 - 3 in 27 ...
And this 27 is in Kin067 as 40+27 ... And it spells Lunar Hand ... Challenger for Healing, so to say ...
Lets have a walk todaya and receive the solar energetic de/coding codices ...
here the cube-order , nicknamed "L'order" - because of the changeflux it rules ... on divine sovereign order by vertical, horizontal and crossreferencing coherence ...

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