Monday, April 6, 2009

Ignite the Luminous GriD

now dear reader ~ moonday april 6, 2009 ~ red galactic skywalker (dreamspell referred)

an announcement is made for april 9 because it is a full moon just after the last day of a serial of 10 GAP-days ... Galactic Activation Portals. And it is clear something planetary new has been prepared by the cosmic forces received and converted into previous articles here.

a snapshot of celia fenn:
"The Energies for April 2009 ~ The Full Moon falls on the 9th of April, with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra, the House of Relationship. At this time, celebrate all forms of Relationship that exist in Unconditional Love. The Full Moon is followed by the traditional christian festival of easter and "Holy Week". At this time, the Divine and Compassionate Grace of Mary Magdalene, the Female Christ, will also support the Planet as it emerges to a Higher Vibration of the Christ Light. Celebrate the Sacred Union of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Avatars of the Christ Consciousness and Sacred Union."

then have a glimpse for that day Blue Planetary Eagle and its affirmation:

Blue Crystal Eagle
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Polar
Clan- Sky
Galactic Activation Portal

I dedicate in order to create
Universalizing mind
I seal the output of vision
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of accomplishment
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me

and right after that the Cosmic Warrior Walks the Flame ...

Yellow Cosmic Warrior
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Cardinal
Clan- Sky

I endure in order to question
Transcending fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of universal fire

How about a thing that can center many many millions of peoples mindsets in the sphere we all round each daya ... . I am in Great BodyHood of the Human Brother who designed this spell so humble and determined ~ José Alias Valum Votan :{as you know the humility habit aligned to by an artist ~ a planetary artist & time traveller on his way bye}:

A Good Moment to ignite this MooN Experience and point at the date of the uncoming Red Magnetic Dragon july 23 ...

Red Magnetic Dragon
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Cardinal
Clan- Fire
Galactic Activation Portal

I unify in order to nurture
Attracting being
I seal the input of birth
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

E very TH ing is PerfecT ~ S'ace

All this is enchanted by the Refining Crystal Wizard (april 7 - tomorrow)

White Spectral Wizard
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal

I dissolve in order to enchant
Releasing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me

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