* crossmind the 153 trap which can be invoked as gathering credo
* know how 13 11 7 combine into a crop that resonates it all
* get notice from the studies on theme "pi" , the Queeny of Circles : integer 3 but then on may notice that is not a circle ... pi often denotes as 22 / 7 and that figure is as ingraspable as pi's denotation or movie
** relevant may be the challenge of pi's first 4 positions: 3.14
** why?
** well, in the range of 1234 ... number 2 is missing of is occult within the recursive and learning mode for humans on figures how to relate to one another?
** (that is my suggestion, also in

So when this above one is digested as token ... get an empowered impulse vibrating the numbers from a source merging it all ...
Here i, s'ace, want to make clear number 12 is a artefact that excludes the peoples arousal in transparent political issues.
Point here is that the dreamswatcher is the spark that grows from good dialogue and dialectics practices. This has been proven not to be the case in the politics of "one man one vote" (bank crisis and total failure: misorder projected the systemic disorder)
So , what does this image intend to make clear:
Physical & Emotional Desires and a Will to survive FIRE the Healing ...
which is a true collaboration in the MENTAL intelligent effort organized to the state of art people on the world establish in FAITH.
So? Number 10, 11 and 12 are womds the stimulate the phaseshift from 2nd and 3rd layer via the 4th to the fifth - which is a mystic however nowadays highly focussed evidence from networking resources.
10, 11 and 12 triple the number 9 into 27 combinations at the triple womb as tabernacle.
And number 13 is the unity number which resonates the presence on purepose (purpose understood by lovestrings fusing energy)
... (then what is 153)
153 is , to my strong ignited faith, a number 9 presence that bounces number 17 (8).
it also expresses number 13 as outer numbers in that form and 5 in the middle ...
which points to the image given:
1 is the physical body, the temple ... and dreamcatcher
3 is the personal mental body (clarified from mental-in-vacinations), the soulmind ... the dreamwatcher
5 is the body on gratitude for the planet, the rationalist ... the dreammatcher who knows s/he has to explore the wisdom layers offered all around in relational expiriments that radiate joy
then how does 153 relate to 7 11 and 13 ...
well the simple conclusion is that 9 is the missing uneven number in that line up:
7 . 11 13 ...
does this make sense?
namasté s'ace
digesting this in next image as a massage for collaborates
(here is mewhitepaper in a few hours, maybe some daya)
s'ace ~ syn'bolonik

notice for invaders not from the base launch: here is the base launch
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