Informed with
TMQ info from toDaya three vibrations come in as worthwhile for research.
8.3 as Samoa Thrill by EarthQuake
7.6 as Sumatra Thrill by EarthQuake
5.9 as Peruvian Thrill by EarthQuake
In Tzolkin Decodex Divine L'ORDer (L=change; - "the Order of Change") ...
we take the order in the figures as SUNSEAL & MOONTONE ...
SO we get these vibrations by TZOLKIN DREAMSPELL LABEL:
8.3 STAR ELECTRIC ~ Yellow : KIN068 <= current wave
7.6 HAND RHYTHMIC ~ Blue : KIN227 <= magic square with 027 034 234
5.9 SERPENT SOLAR - Red : KIN165 <= magic square with 085 093 173 GAPs
How far and deep do we go ~ ?
My specialty , so to say, is the bivid decodex ... converting A-M=Z-N=>1.13
This gives 35 for Samoa and 45 to Sumatra ...
And there it spells 7 to 5 is followed by 9 to 5 ...
(does this sound familiar "nine to five" <= dogma for work?)
Anyhow in this weave/blogs intend for installing 9 daya a week in notime ...
it simply indicates the week from seven shifts into a week of 9 x 24 hours a day(a h erlebnis)
5 is ther dense form of 14 and 41 ; the human hand and the divine Hand (see TMQ's Interval of God notion)
5 is the mid of
the quadruple digits 1 3 7 9 ... "the healers hand".
The Solar Serpent digit points to the Serpent of Light that shifted last 20 years from Tibet into the Peruvian Mountains
with a little bit help from my Friends - a Joe Cocker performs this in a song ...
Logic that one is in the Galactic Activation Portals as Publishers simply taking Sovereign Governance Omega Point ... as a God Interception on Velatropa 24.3
Lets finalize this art~i~clés by getting the 9 kin numbers is a summarize affection:
8.3 STAR ELECTRIC ~ Yellow : KIN068 <= current wave
7.6 HAND RHYTHMIC ~ Blue : KIN227 <= magic square with 027 034 234
5.9 SERPENT SOLAR - Red : KIN165 <= magic square with 085 093 173 GAPs
first in 3 notions : 8.3 just sticks to this day : 068
then 7.6 sums 227 027 034 234 into 522 (simply while it is the magic constant)
and 5.9 also gives 522, of course ...
068 522 522 lead to 1112 ... a perfect indication where 1st creation shifts to 2nd ;-)
and its tzolkin code becomes 072 (subtract 4x260) : HUMAN RESONANT : TOMORROW ;-)
How Marvellous to get the Resonant Human as Oracle Result ...
Let us celebrate each tomorrow from now on-wards!
Bolon Ik ~ Ix9 ~ Mond'o1 (=muluc1born)
Incoming NOTE : Laws of Attraction, Newton & Einstein on a FALL?