Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Warrior Spell

The Mystory Queen entitles this day in DreamSpell / RINRI / ... multiplex reflex:

"Spectral Warrior on Day 3 of Week 3 of Moon 3"

which inspires me to convert my time & space into a Quick Reference Guidance; well, when pretending / stepping-in to be Bolon Ik one has to show that, aint it?

So her the Vertical Privilege of the Kweek and Kwel (the subkweek of 3 daya/kwel) is at charge. Let us see for the 2 numeric approaches for the horizontal and vertical perceptions: (9) horizontal perception of a kweek: sundaya in voidkweek
where 1.3 is year and moon reference for Dragon & Deer(moon3) (10) vertical perception of a kweeks kwel: voidkwel in voidkweek at number 2.
Here number two simply vibrates the LUNAR tone: Polarizer Stabilizing by being Challenged.

~~~ vertical traveling at first sight delivers:
seeing for number/card (TELEKTONON) 20 which is 3 daya ahead / later:

Cube FourTeen : Timelessness
Pick up the thread of Bolon Ik's 7th Weaving,
Overtone Sun (200) of the millennium (II)
brings on the Glory of the Biosphere~Noosphere transition.
"By my continuing conscious wizard power of timelessness,
may victory discharge prophecy of the 13 moons way
as the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

May universal peace prevail"

Haven given psi-charge at kin254 in 1999-2000 this is received at a planetary scale in this very period where Night3 is the charged Day-out-of-Time meditation from manymany people on the Globe. Note that Night 3 is Seal 3 to Tone 3 and vibrates : 9 also 20:09 where 9/20 is digested as the Moon / full moon of last sunday/moonday transition, agree?

So this is how the Spectral Warrior shows the Rainbow ... inviting by aspiration - firm breathing - to achieve the better ratio for humanity and the planet as the Mother.

One vertical step further
spells at card 23 (kin for planetary night/abundance):
Earth Time Tunnels Complete

Galactic Synchronization
Emerge from the Warrior's Labyrinth
to celebrate the Reunion of Pacal Votan & Bolon Ik !

Fulfill the sounding of the Galactic Chord of the Fifth Force!

Experience the Evolutionary Illumination of Kinich Ahau
(all people as "nations" ~ natural ions charged and discharging)
and the 26.000 year renewal of the Galactic Life Cycle.

Tower of Power

Enjouy Heaven on Earth

The 23 card is given image by seal EARTH which is the Twin Planet of Uranus


In La'keach ala Kin!
S"ace aka Bolon Ik / Ix9 / Muluc One ~ Ahau12 (LongCounT)

~~~ notion

Day 17 is in the range of the Blue Week at the departure station and spells
Day 15-20: Cube 9-14, the last six seals of prophesy;
Bolon Ik's Weavings 2-8.
Establish Victory=Vectory over Babylon
Day 21: Proclaim Victory of 144,000
Bolon Ik's 8th Weaving
New HEaven ~ New Earth

Then Day 17 vibrates Earth, being the 17th Seal in the Tzolkin Archetypes Lane

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