Friday, September 18, 2009

from :{crop}: into BIOVOID

watching this clip ... gave me the inside information given by a crop circle that came into existence on august 3, 2004. And i was in that neighbourhood in a dutch group of 6 merging with an international group of 18. we fused a didgereedo 13moon EAGLE travelling with a MerKaBah "ally" ...

"Is there an interconnecting plasma that cherishes the cropmakers?" i questioned myself ...

anyhow the clip presented by david wilcox also illustrated this crop:

and see for the 1st daya seal in the kweek setup:

... it also breathes the sphere and cube "communication" ...

which i take for masculine and feminine hemispheres that are available in all human bodies - not to be mixed up with the registrated gendertype map "protected".

so here is the meaning - i ~ and the many ~ see - in this whole system structure:

dreamstream the things we are enliving in open transfers by unifying it all the time as a whole living planet that drags us onwards in "time-illusion" sharing all its sources including the living ones ...


then this idea is attached in the kweeksetups first daya which is labelled Sirdaya and is (trice) affirmed with ))) biovoid ((( as an initial "mantra".

(know this is parallel to Leonardo da Vinci's decodex and many more geniuses knowledge)


(more to tell, here, when it fits ...)

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