Friday, September 4, 2009

catalysing the new kweek complex


it is true this new reference card might mix up things as they come in a chaotic time where "cacaphonia rules the waves", so to say

so , why more to that as i write it down now - and set it free for anyone to pick it up when the/his/her time is there ...

point is ... i've been through this - i say: profound - meditations where i learned to see the so called Padmasambhava seals from the other side ... from the world, space, time we enter ...

so this gave the firm to be set idea / novice on a 9 daya week: the kweek ...

think how nice it is to have more time to spend in a serial ...

and that is what 39 kweeks a year actually do ...
spreading the mental time view from the tension spots in humane spheres!

in new editions here i will focus on some changes regarding the original alignment to chakra's having contemplated the seals / sealsigns given ...

for instance "How did the DALI seal change from the crown seat in CHAKRA lign up into the THROAT area as DALIMÈR?"

a glimpse for the answer would pop up with the insight you / each man is hot on articulating a good speak ... so, isnt that crossing the horizontal and vertical line into the "+" symbol given in YELLOW by DALI?

similar investigation on SELI can articulate the change from ROOT into SACRAL position! Here one can see the energetic importance for this sacral area and the fact this is our waterbasin between the pelvis of out hips.

;-) bon voyage ! s'ace

~~~ hear hear

"Excerpt from Channel 11:
Wizard's Garden

Everything is alive. Everything is infused with soul, or with a vital element that we call life. In the Quran it says that by the power with which “We construct the firmament, We create the vastness of space”—this is the timespace. Timespace is the medium for the accommodation of matter. Timespace has meaning insofar as it is occupied by living matter or elementals. From the point of view of an open mind, there is no distinction between organic and inorganic matter.

The regeneration of the timespace is the regeneration of the elementals. As the new timespace emerges as a field of reorganized perception, a shift in the energy patterns takes place. The elementals are calling on us to return to the wonder of nature, to be aware of the powers of nature – this is where they live – they can only manifest themselves to those attuned to nature."

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