Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HandY DaYa March 31, 2009

Great to have this Date in Gregorian Calendar ~ a MindSettingProgram from the VaTiCan ;-)

i relate this here to the DreamSpellAlternative of this very Date ...

Why ?

Well , the formula of the Day of Moon Experience ( DoME ) is negotiated in meditations all over the Planet:

MooN cycle normalized is : 3 x ( 3 x 3 ) + 1 Kin / Day = 27+1 Day ...

Mark this PLUS sign as Important to let it be Visable ... simply because it represents both Unity and Becoming (all the Time in our Mutual Sphere) & the 1 symbolized both the verti-calender (the NOW, the CURRENT) and the UNITY formed by unifying individuals, earthlings, businessmen and volunteers at charge in aligned action.

Now a picture of this very Date / Moment in Continuous Motion from a DreamSpellProgram:

3 31 2009 <-> 3x (3x3) + 1

simply (or "synplea" ?) resonates digits : 2 3's in the brackets; 00 representing the continuous life as +1 does too ...

we add to life ~ and take care ...

This as a Focus on this day ...

S'ace ~ Bolon Ik DreamType

notion : the kin number 147 is from 2 perspective a Body pointer:

A 1 as basic chakra ~ 4 as the heart ~ 7 as the crown / auric chakra just out of the skull ...

B 1 as the heart ~ 4 as the sacral / pelvis ~ 7 as the crown again ...

A is the traditional sequence aligned bottom up ... regarding 6+1 bodily chakra's

B is the blind-register for placing the OCTAVE DoReMiFaSolLaTeeDó ;
taking the numbers from A : Do4 Re1 Mi5 Fa2 Sol6 La3 Ti7 Do4 ...

i put the fat Tones in order to signal the 3 rhythm by tiny groups here ; similar to the Day of Moon Experience Revelation:

3x3 daya a Kweek ; 3 days are 1 Eek group in a 9 ; Kweeks group in 27 and DoME is the Synchronisation Daya each Moon ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

URane ResonanT Connection in SolarSystem

ToDay a signal came in that immediately referred to this Blog/T'heme/T'opic ...

27 and 1 ~ TwenTy Seven & One ... => Twin Ti Eight

so our partner planet in out sphere has 27 moons and we have one ...

so ~ here the 13moon of days seem fitting the 27+1 solution ...

and thereby 3x(3x3) + 1 as a whole and holon measure ...


interesting for our jugglers may be the Quest for any clue in Names for the numbers at charge:

1. Cordelia
2. Ophelia
3. Bianca
4. Cressida
5. Desdemona
6. Juliet
7. Portia
8. Rosalind
9. Mab
10. Belinda
11. Perdita
12. Puck
13. Cupid
14. Miranda
15. Francisco
16. Ariel
17. Umbriel
18. Titania
19. Oberon
20. Caliban
21. Stephano
22. Trinculo
23. Sycorax
24. Margaret
25. Prospero
26. Setebos
27. Ferdinand

Let juGGle a clue ... might be FUN!

S'ace ~ at EartH

:{ Strange, i get this Uranus aligned message in this moment ... }:

Uranus Compilation From A A Bailey

1. (?)

2. Uranus and Jupiter at the Fifth Initiation:
“At the fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter appear and produce a ‘beneficent organisation’ of the totality of energies found in the initiate's equipment. When this reorganisation is complete, the initiate can then ‘escape from off the wheel and then can truly live’.” (EA 71)

3. Uranus is in a Line of Energy Flow to the Heart Center: (cf. EA 80)

4. Uranus—Conduit for Energies from the Creative Hierarchies: “Uranus is the planet through which zodiacal energy flows, in connection with the Creative Hierarchies upon our planet, from one of the stars in the Great Bear.” (EA 98)

5. Uranus’ Work Analogous to that of Mercury: Uranus embodies the energy of the seventh ray and its work is analogous to that of Mercury, for the seventh ray is the ray which relates spirit and matter and brings together electric fire and fire by friction, thus producing manifestation.” (EA 100)

6. Uranus Leads the Soul to the Burning Ground: “Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potencies of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass.” (EA 100)

7. Uranus—Rules the Occult Way: “Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation.” (EA 100)

As you see nr. 1 was "empty" ~ Could it have been the 27 moons of urane?


the first insight on the 27 MooNs just focussed on the alphabeth - first character of the Moon:
A1 B2 C4 D1 E0 F2 G0 H0 I0 J1 K0 L0 M3 N0 O2 P4 Q0 R1 S3 T2 U1 V0 W0 X0 Y0 Z0
bivid décodex delivers number ... 79+121=180 ~ (9) ~ yellow resonant sun 11/0 (seal zero)

to digest all this in a med':

Sunday, March 8, 2009

synchronization & integral management(ality)

What is Synchronization ?

Many / various narratives might pop-up the field of reality giving the notion to the source at charge ~ a human being.

It binds history and future in a single moment ...

But then how to "proove future" ...

Well then we have a glimpse to the history illustration here and see what it gives nowadays - at this moment (tkae the moment of your read as your entry!) ...


"When we define a GRID then it is GooD to address mutual frequency experience in a melting pot and come up with anOther one than the one that feeded us for so long"

Giving this thought as valid ~ gives a clue to digest 3x(3x3)+1 as synchron to 4 to 7 => 28 (10->1) ... and it gives the resonance with the fastlane digitalized world "governing sovereign" ... but then the lesson moves into the new knowing ...

And ... each human has 6 main-chakra's in the body and 1 out - departing from the 7 widely known and illustrated ones ...

Then this pivot in time cycles of 13000 years teaches 9 (8+1) chakral points from the earth crystal and 6 (5+1) from heaven ... see how the 9 and 6 work together as in the cancer-sign:

So ... then we merge the 9 to 1 and the 6 to 1 ...

Count those to the 7th chakra which was already out of the body (due to frequency rule/law) ... 1 + 1 + 1 => 3

6 + 3 = 9 :: siX plus thRee makes Nine ...

This all is then the base for the Dispensation Giving the "Kweek" ...

3 Kweeks a Moon Plus one Day-out-of-Moon ... (with a common planetary function/mantra)

"In Lak'ech ala Kin ~ i am another you, as you are another me"

s'ace ~ bolon ik / white solar wind / spiritual talent given by birth ~ MaGneTic MooN

Saturday, March 7, 2009

2nd article invokes the challenge to inform/critisize

T'oday i had a visit to "de WaaijenberG" ...

it sort of brought togather lots of people in a free sphere of energy ...

a "GoodDaya" to let go the fun on having found anOther dispensensation to Live That ...

Have a Glimpse to the Map that is meant to guide a NarratiVe ...

intenD of the DooM? -> Daya out of MooN

1 day source embrace for all people in an embrace of love and understanding

"Day out of Money" may also be a very articulated vibration ... which makes people ready to share their GooDs for a Talking Trade ... and maybe a Hugg ...

This is my Challenge to C(h)aLL ...


note this all is part of the 13MooN calendar as an alternative vehicle to guide our MinDs' ... :: that gives a 13 to 28 permutation table in order to settle our pace and peace ...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Gift From Wind5 Day28 in Storm3 Year

This Blog is given by being inspired by the Noosphere HarmoniQ of the DreamSpell Initiation Program. A source for that is law~of~time and many people attach their art to that on various ways - including manymany websites and above all noospheric memo's "in the memory bank for all - the noosphere itself (final destiny for cybersphere practioners).

As a Root-idea this Dreamspell gives 1 Day out of Time/Year - "DooT" and in a 4 year rhythm it adds to that a Day out of Fouryearspan - "DooF" ... (because of the Popeular Dominance still feb-29 which will/has to vanish in a common planetary peoples rise).

Now a perfect new week dispensation is affirmed to the noosphere - and this blog is meant to gather its energetic catalistic agent by information by aa avatar / webmaster doing its act on a flow given.

3 times 3 is nine and everyone sings his own song
means a week will have 9 kin / days ; and a moon 3 weeks + one day out of MooN ...

This idea entered our sphere on the Dreamspell Day given in the Title ...
reference for "the old" : march 6 ~ 2009 - the perfect Day for this New UniQVers'all

Namste*Y ~ in Lak'ech ~ GoodDaya ~ S'ace ~ ix'bolon ik { MooN1 & Reed1 aligned }