Sunday, November 15, 2009

kweekspell definition

Strange enough the kweekspell-blog happens to be disabled at the moment ... :-(

(what happened? i ask myself ...)

The Spell still goes on here on the origin blog ...

And i have good news beacuse "a baby is born" named s/heartick27:

here the narrative (given on the TMQ-site):

s'ace - cees de groot (03:15:24) :

Yesterday -sometimes also to be referred at as “Jesterday” although i prefer that as the day after Yesterday and a Dream and TouchDown-, still here on the first day of this peacock moon a New Label entered my Mind from Noospheric Impulse Aspiring “the vocabulary” in resonance with “All we Know by Now”.

That Label is Heartick27 also to be referred to as Sheartic27; the one referring to the Yang and the other to the Yin phenomenons and an entangled field where they weave -as one might guess here- : the KweekSpellSpice that is brought up on Earth on July23, 2009 => Dragon 1 in Dreamspell & REED5 / 13.5 in LongCount here.

2 “seperated weavings” give a creative friction just as Yin and Yang are meant to understand.

Kweekspell is handling both from a PSI-based friction at 3/72 in both orders. 3 in number of KIN; 72 as number of hours as a measure.
In this TMQ i mostly just narrate on the reigning DreamSpell Reference. Just when it offers to apply (as here in a definition step) the “MAJIX” -alternative LongCount label- is also mentioned.

This makes today in MAJIX Moon4 – which indeed is about measure and “universal water” as the power used to set the Flow at Purifying Ultimate.

In DreamSpell we have the 2nd day – as 2nd creation reference – into the spicepot with Cosmic Flavor at Earth ;-) Navigating the Planet at Noospheric Alignment where Consciousness Sets the Prime Human Interval at God(S’).

Kweekspell has its 5th day of the Moon (2+5) in the numeric serials: NESSdaya & elementary …
1. as SUNSEAL Dragon1 year (SEED4 minus 3)
5. as Moon-reference, here Peacock as Powerpet
2.2 as Kwelle – also Quelle – 2nd trinity at its mid and mixture consideration.
(2.1 as the Yang Heartick and 2.3 as the Yin Sheartick modes on the Quelle – the SubWave)

In this Mix~Lib(eratio) the number 27 in s/heartick against the Biological28 makes the 28th Daya visable by its friction itself (+1 or -1). This also means they go in a Harmonic ~~~~~

This could only happen by being at “sheart” with my TMQueenY: so Bow )))(((

S’ close 138 in the table while the Square Among 138 has 117-137-157-158-159-139-119-118 , aGree TMQ?
That makes 1104 , including 138: 1142 (any idea?)

“one one four two” ~ con-G’ra-tulations

Having yesterday at 116 (8) and today at 117 (9) makes me feel pretty amused ...
89 is Spectral Moon and Moon8 is at 229 ; while Star9 communicates 48.

have a good daya! S'ace