it brought me to a bivid - decodex experience:
YHWH gets into 25-8-23-8 in the lineair approach using the alphabetic positions ...
it gives summarized 64 - the number indicating i-ching and the chessboard ..
also 2**6 = 64 (** indicates the 6th power of 2)
But then we also see for the bivids harmoniq using A-M = N-Z = 1-13 decodex
this brings YHWH into 2-8-4-8: 22 the "parallel swans that turn into hearts when they see one another in the eye :
as the Tzolkin - Dreamspell - Apprentices know ...
22 indicates the uranian lover of Pacal Votan ...
the Bolon Ik : 9th spice of 14-ix-wizard=wizzart
so here various systemics align in a number ( 2+2=4 & 2-2=0 )
Then ... what strikes number 2 as a character:
* mark the bottom hyphen / underscore / bottomizer
* mark the diagonal
* mark the round top as a real heaven
* even mark the slight vertical end and its tail
enjoY number 2's form which gives a spark of its character :
s'ace ~ a "bolon ik" typicall in moon magnetizing merllinka
then okay ... why in this blog of Daya of Moon Experience ?
well see the similarity in 3x7+1 and 3x9+1 : 22 & 28
where 28 is the whole moon of 27+1 daya whole
as well as 3x9+1 tetra form:
3x9**1 + 9**0 = 27 + 1 = 28 ...
: )) smile ...